Saturday, April 4, 2020

Cajun Chicken Pasta

One-Pot Cajun Chicken Pasta from "The Defined Dish"

It's week three of quarantine and comfort food is really hitting the spot. After scrolling through Instagram I came across Alex Snodgrass and her account 'thedefineddish.' Alex creates healthier alternatives to normally unhealthy indulgent meals, that taste just as delicious. I followed the link to her website and saw that she posted a "quarantine meal ideas (round up)" and decided to give her "one-pot cajun chicken pasta" recipe a try after reading that it was inspired by Chili's Cajun Chicken Pasta dish. 

I give this dish 10/10! It was so amazing it did NOT taste like any healthy alternative I've ever had. I took Alex's suggestion to make it dairy free by using almond milk and I also substituted chickpea pasta instead of brown rice pasta because that's all I had on hand. It's so good I made everyone in my quarantine crew try it and they all wanted seconds. Next time I have to double the recipe!

Alex even includes a quick YouTube video on her website of how to cook this dish - it's super simple. You can find the recipe from The Defined Dish here

Here's her website, The Defined Dish for more amazing recipes to try while staying home😋 

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